Boy am I behind on my blog, but nows a good time to catch let's work backwards.
I had my three month post surgical follow up with Dr. Blevins (the endo) today. My thyroglobulins were perfect (his words). My TSH not so perfect it was 12. Should be somewhere between 0.3-5.1. Before surgery I was always in the 2's, after surgery I had to be above 30 to do my radioactive iodine, so I guess it's a good thing it has come down, but that's still to high. Which explains why I'm really tired in the afternoons and have some to really depend way too much on 5-hour energy shots (even though I only take part of it at a time). So his is bumping my Synthroid up from 150mcg to 200mcg. We will see how that does over the next three months. What sucks is I just refilled my meds. Mom says it's not a bad thing to have some extras around but 80 something pills is a bit more than a few. LOL oh well.
So we will check levels again in three months and he also wants to do an ultrasound again in three months. He said things are still healing, but it was all looking good. I'm still frustrated by the swelling and puffiness of my face and neck which are all normal common features to Hashimoto's and hypothyroidism. But it sucks that people who weigh 2-3 times more than I do can have perfect beautiful faces and skinny necks and I have the beach ball for a head. Forget the neck, I know it's in there somewhere, but who knows where. :) He said that generally takes about six months to start reducing so I guess once we get the meds to the right levels that should correct itself. (crosses fingers)
So I have appointments set for three months out and for six months out. So we shall see what they bring.
So let's see what all has happened since I posted last....
I returned to work full time. I went back full days from the get go, many really questioned my doing so. And believe me, there have been days that I questioned it too. But as Dr. Kriesel put it "you won't know where your limits are if you don't get back into your normal life." Normal life? Life has been far from normal since....May 2005. And what's normal? Cause what's "normal" for Jeff and I is hoodlum-ville for most. LOL
Wow...and I thought I was behind before. Guess I never posted this one. Well, I'll get that posted now and start the 6th months one. I know you all have been waiting way too long for it. LOL!!!! More to follow!