Monday, May 16, 2011

First year whole body scan - Part 2

Wednesday, May 27, 2011

So the hour has arrived. I returned once again to the Radiology place in Round Rock to do my scan. I wore my Hello Kitty Jamaican Me Crazy shirt as kind of a to the dude and his 2 million unnecessary phone calls.

I don't remember this process being this aggravating last time. I mean yes, the machine not working and having to go back 3 times was a bit of a pain, considering we had to make a 30 minute drive each time, and being radioactive and having to sit amongst children until someone let the tech know I was there so she could move me back to her area. But this guy, man, obsessive doesn't even begin. Not sure the guy had a sense of humor or not. The guy was just...weird.

The scan itself went uneventful. It's so hard to just lay there. LOL Tech guy wouldn't let me see the scan. He wouldn't "let" a lot of things like the chick last year did. Jeff couldn't sit with me, he couldn't take my picture (which he snuck anyway), I'm surprised he let him in the building. LOL

So with that done, tomorrow I can take my Synthroid again. Oh thank goodness! With my level having finally reached a stable level for 6 months I was starting to see some weight loss and other hypo/hashimoto's symptoms decrease, but with being off the meds and my TSH level rising, yeah, weight ballooned and face and neck began to puff. There were some days I wasn't sure I was going to be able to get my wedding ring off. But now I can get back on my meds, hopefully all will come out well, and I can shake this weight off quickly.

Will let you know what I find out soon.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

First year whole body scan - Part 1

It kind of seems like just yesterday and yet it kind of seems like forever ago that I was here preparing for my I-131 radioactive iodine treatment. In fact, it's been 1 year, 5 days, 21 hours, 2 minutes, and 40 seconds. Jeff started me an "atomic" clock last year. Mostly so that we would know where we were with isolation and the other parts of the whole being radioactive so we would know when it "should" be safe and not have worries of exposure to others.

I've been off my Synthyroid for the past 2 weeks. Need my TSH at 30 or above. I had blood work done last Friday and my TSH levels were 37.8. I had my scan appointments schedule for April 26 & 27, 2011. And it was confirmed that I was not pregnant (no surprise) I was cleared for "GO." Yea!

Leading up to this day the last couple of weeks as been a bit of a pain. The radiology guy, ugh, has driven me and my doctors office kind of nuts. The radiology place's "chart" for Synthyroid requires that the patient be off the medication for six weeks. Yes, SIX weeks. My doctor, two weeks. They check the TSH, if you haven't converted to 30 or above then, they wait another week and check again, and you just move your appointment. The radiology place, I don't know what lab rat they got their numbers from, but they want you to be in extreme withdrawal. For a lot of people the two weeks is torture enough, six weeks, ugh, one would almost die. The nurse even said the same things I did last time I talked to her. I guess that maybe skinny people take longer to convert from hyper to REALLY hypo. But good gawd, this guy, you would think that after a phone call to me, and a call to my doctor that it would be settled but no, I think I had a total of three-four calls with him and a few with my doctor.

Don't know how he wasn't understanding that my doctor said to stop taking my meds on X day, to have blood work done on X day, to schedule my scan anytime during the week of X. If the TSH # don't come back high enough, we move it. I guess it all really came down to ordering the capsules, he didn't want to order them if the test wasn't going to be done, but is this really any different than any other thyroid cancer patient? Could the caps not wait, do they have a limited shelf life of a few days? Who knows, and frankly at this point, who cares, my numbers were good and were a go.

I went into day and took my two I-123 capsules. They were two dark blue, long capsules. Stuck to my tongue yet again. I hate that. LOL They give you two laxative pills to take by 9 pm so that the capsule has a chance to get into your system yet can be kind of flushed out of the your system so as to not create a starburst effect in the can which can make the area that they are wanting to really see be diminished. I took them. I hate them. They do their job. I still hate them. LOL The only other 'bad' part is no dairy products. Sigh, I can live 24 hours without cow juice I guess...if I have too.

Part 2 - tomorrow

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

One year sans thyroid

Well, I made it through the first year. Yea!

It wasn't totally bad. And in the grand scheme of cancers, one could have called it a walk in the park. Though that night in the ER was nothing of that sort.

So what is the biggest thing I have noticed. I have less hair. I have about 1/3 the hair I had when I started this. Now, you have to understand, my hair is very important to me. I had been blessed with lots of it and for the majority of my life, have had it long. I still have hair, but, just not as much, and I know it's a vain thing, considering so may other cancer patients loose theirs completely I am still lucky to have what I have. And for the most part, no one really knows but me...and now you. LOL

The other big thing. Taking pills first thing in the morning. I've never been a pill taker. I don't like taking pills. But now, I have not choice. I religiously take my two Hello Kitty pink 112mcg Synthroid pills. I have been on this dosing now for 6 months. I started on the 150mcg, then 3 months later went to 200mcg, then 3 months later to the two 112mcg. My last check-up 3 months ago, my TSH was 0.2. Which is most likely why my hair is falling out. I have another check-up in a few days hopefully things will still be where they should. (Side note - they were TSH was 0.3).

I am starting to feel better. A lot of the cramping in my feet and such seems to have gone. I'm not as tired as I had been. But I think in the over all grand scheme of it all. I do feel better than I think I truly ever have. Having an autoimmune disease and not knowing it, you don't know that the way you feel when you feel "good" isn't truly as good as you could feel. I kind of struggled with that surgery. Now, since my energy levels are better and my back is getting better, I think it's time to start moving back into life.

So what's next, my first year whole body scan.

February 1, 2011 - Biopsy #2

Today is my second biopsy. It's on that lymph node that they have not liked in the last two ultrasounds. So once again, they are sticking needles into my neck. Oh yea.

I have to admit I'm a little nervous. I mean come on, who wouldn't be, right? Well, I guess someone who absolutely knew the future. But I don't, so while I'm not like wringing my hands, I am a little concerned. I'm thinking that because of where it is, and I have a tooth right above it that needs some work that that could possibly cause of the "enlargement" and funkiness of the node. But we will see.

Some doctors do this in an outpatient setting. Some, like mine, are set up to do it in office. Which, is actually kind of nice. You don't have to do all the paperwork and what-nots for another office or facility.

This is the biopsy room and the tray of stuff for the biopsy. I would have taken a better, more up close one, but I knew as soon as I stood up to do it, someone would walk in and catch me being "nosie." LOL!

The procedure went fine. They tested some new image software while they were doing it. They liked their software better and went back to it in the process of it all.

The procedure wasn't as painful as the first time was. That one spot on my thyroid that was so heavily calcified hurt in the attempts to get into it, but this time, it was just a sweet little node, not hurtin' nobody. It gave up the goods with no problem. They slapped on a few band-aids and I was off.

The results.

Just a normal healthy lymph node doing what lymph nodes do. The fluid was nothing more than lymphatic fluid and cells. So all's good.

I discussed the biopsy with my new dentist the next day and he agreed that it was probably related the my tooth issue.

So what's next. Well, I have an appointment April 1 with the Endo's office. At that point we will be setting up for my first yearly full body scan. Hopefully the machine will work the first time and I won't have to do it three times. LOL!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Lymph node biopsy - February 1, 2001

The day has come for yet another fine needle biopsy. The first one, while wasn't..."bad" it wasn't any fun either. At least for this one, I have a clue as to what is coming. Last time, I could read all I wanted but you know, until you actually experence something, you REALLY don't have a context for what you've read.

This time is different, go in, lie down, little numbing shot, ultrasound prob rubbed around on the neck, then the long thin needle inserted where it's needed to be, needle comes out and, if it's just one sample, done. If there are more then one, then they repeat the long thin needle parts until all the samples that are desired are taken. Couple of bandaides applied and we're done.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

January 25, 2011 Check-Up

Saw Dr. Blevins today. My TSH levels were 0.2. Yea!!! So we are sticking with the 112mcg Synthroid for another 3 months and will check again for my April appointment.

I do have to admit that in the last 3 -4 weeks my motivational energy has greatly improved. The bad part is that there is SO much to catch up on I can't do it all. And my ADDness can get in my way. I need to stick to a "Flylady" schedule of 15 minutes here...15 minutes there. Eventually I know, that if I get back into it all (now that I am feeling better) everything will work out. The house and everything did not become a wreck overnight, I can't expect to fix it over night either. No matter how much I want to. LOL

I redid my ultrasound on January 24 so that it would be ready for my appointment on the 25th. He still didn't like it, and even though I'm due in April for my first yearly scan, he fully felt that it needed to be biopsied. So I will be doing that on February 1, 2011.

So cross your fingers and hope for the best!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Synthoid Path

These cute peach colored pills are the 200 mcg.

And these adorable, Hello Kitty pinkies are the 112mcg.

6th month post surgical ultrasound and labs

November 1, 2010

Well things are rocking right along. Had my first post surgical ultrasound and saw Ellen, the nurse prac for my follow up. My TSH levels are at 2.5 so they are bumping my Synthroid up again from 200mcg to 225mcg or actually taking 2 112mcg tablets.

She said the ultrasound looked good, except that there was a lymph node that was noticeable. She didn't think it looked bad but only that it was noticeable, which could mean anything and not to worry too much about it.

We made a few changes to my other meds. Other wise, all looked good.

Ellen called me the next day, in reviewing my ultrasound with Dr. Blevins he didn't like it, so he wants to have it redone in 3 months. So on January 24th I'll be having another one. I have an appointment with Dr. Blevins the next day, so we shall see...