Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Lymph node biopsy - February 1, 2001

The day has come for yet another fine needle biopsy. The first one, while wasn't..."bad" it wasn't any fun either. At least for this one, I have a clue as to what is coming. Last time, I could read all I wanted but you know, until you actually experence something, you REALLY don't have a context for what you've read.

This time is different, go in, lie down, little numbing shot, ultrasound prob rubbed around on the neck, then the long thin needle inserted where it's needed to be, needle comes out and, if it's just one sample, done. If there are more then one, then they repeat the long thin needle parts until all the samples that are desired are taken. Couple of bandaides applied and we're done.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

January 25, 2011 Check-Up

Saw Dr. Blevins today. My TSH levels were 0.2. Yea!!! So we are sticking with the 112mcg Synthroid for another 3 months and will check again for my April appointment.

I do have to admit that in the last 3 -4 weeks my motivational energy has greatly improved. The bad part is that there is SO much to catch up on I can't do it all. And my ADDness can get in my way. I need to stick to a "Flylady" schedule of 15 minutes here...15 minutes there. Eventually I know, that if I get back into it all (now that I am feeling better) everything will work out. The house and everything did not become a wreck overnight, I can't expect to fix it over night either. No matter how much I want to. LOL

I redid my ultrasound on January 24 so that it would be ready for my appointment on the 25th. He still didn't like it, and even though I'm due in April for my first yearly scan, he fully felt that it needed to be biopsied. So I will be doing that on February 1, 2011.

So cross your fingers and hope for the best!