Today will be the tell. Had the cancer spread? Did we get it all? Will I have to go through this again in a few months to a year? Are we done with I-131 (other than small doses for future scans)? We'll know in a few hours.
We head over to Round Rock and get checked in and after a little while Stephanie my nuc-med goddess comes and gets us. She's running a bit behind but takes us back to the waiting area in nuclear medicine. That way it gets me out of the crowded waiting room full of kids and germie people. After a while she brings me a glass of water to drink. At least I'm pretty sure it was just water. It looked like water and tasted like water so I'm pretty sure it was just water but she said here drink this so I drank. I should probably learn to ask more questions. LOL! But I was thirsty so I drank it!
She then took me in and I got in the scanner. It's different from a CT or MRI in a way. Kind of like an x-ray but you lay down the whole time and it moves down you. So there are two scans, one is a static image of just the neck area and the other is the whole body. She did the first one of the neck. It takes about 10 minutes to do. Then she moved the panel and set up for the whole body. Shortly into it the machine started beeping. I heard some click click clicking. Then a sigh. She said that the whole reason she was running behind was because the machine had been giving her troubles all day. The errors weren't clearing and she needed to call the tech guys, they can usually fix it over the I opted to stay in the machine. Hey I was already there, it could only take a few minutes and I was comfortable all snuggled in to the arm wraps.
After a few calls and about 45 or so minutes later it is determined that a sensor in the panel mat has gone out. They'll over night one and get the service guy out to replace it so we'll have to reschedule. We picked on Wednesday to make sure there part gets in and there are no other bugs with the machine.
Oh well, at least we tried.
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