Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 15 - Lab Day

Well today I have to have blood work done to see where my TSH is at. TSH stands for Thyroid Stimulating Hormone. If my levels are high enough they will push forward with my radioactive iodine (I-131/RAI) treatment. Since it is believed that the cancer was still well contained within the thyroid and had not spread they want to move forward with the treatment before I start any thyroid replacement meds. If I start the meds before the treatment I'd have to stop them and be off of them until my they cleared out of my body and my TSH levels were able to rise. Plus since they are so certain this was caught early get the treatment done and get one with LIFE! I like that idea. A lot.

So we head into Austin. Jeff needs to spend a little time at the office checking in and seeing how his team is doing. So I drop him off and head over to the doctors office to see the vampiress. Man, I have not driven in SO long. It was kind of weird. I get over to the office and get the blood draw all done. But this time it's late mid-morning and I am starving! I went in fasting because I didn't know if I needed to be or not so I figured better safe than sorry. I knew there was a grocery store near by so I went over there. Turns out it was a Randall's. Smallest store I have been in in a LONG time. And they didn't have crap. Well let's just say at least nothing I could quickly and easily fit into the "low-iodine" plan. So I ended up getting some to-go peanut butter cups and some apple slices and a peach. I spent OVER $8. Insane! But I was really needing something badly so I slide my card. Randall's has always been higher than anywhere else and this just proved it. And let me tell you that peach was HORRID! All bruised and nasty. It looked great but it was far from it....far from it! So I ate about an apples worth of the slices and a whole little thing of the peanut butter. I wanted some milk something bad, and would have normally be what I went for...but couldn't.

So I started winding my way over to Burnet road and back up to Jeff's office. We headed down to the HAM store to pick up a couple of items and then headed home. But being the awesome hubby that he is he could tell I was either hungry, tired or both. Despite how much I said I wasn't. Everything I said was followed by "I don't know." We head over to Opal Divine's. I know I can get a salad there that will fit well within the guidelines I have to follow.

Afterwards we run a couple of errands and head home. I'm one tired girl and ready for a nap.

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